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Simbol Test Systems can perform most repairs on Anritsu optical test equipment. We cannot repair the optical section of the Anritsu MG9638A TLS and strongly suggest moving to an inexpensive and robust Agilent 86140A if your Anritsu is defect. The MS9710B and MS9710C OSAs are known to suffer some encoder defects that are not possible to fix due to shortage of the custom part that was made especially for Anritsu. If your Anritsu unit does not pass calibration, we will quote a its repair and recalibration assuming we can perform the needed repair.

Anritsu is one of the world's oldest test equipment manufacturer in the world being founded in 1895 in Japan. Simbol has a long history as a reseller of Anritsu products as it once bought the entire demo surplus of Anritsu products in Canada. Although Anritsu is not renown as a leader in optical test equipment, it offerred some good products still being used today mostly their Optical Spectrum Analysers. AssetRelay stocks many Anritsu products that you can see on selecting the Anritsu brand.

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