Ando AQ6315A Optical Spectrum Analyzer OSA repair and calibration services

Simbol has in depth expertise in AQ6315A troubleshooting and repair and can fix problems related to hardware or firmware. Here is a list of repairs that we can perform and have success most of the time. Repair of defective boards, Repair or replacement of chopper motor, Adjustment of monochromator, Repair or replacement of RF module. We will solve any error code or error message you might encounter.

Ando AQ6315A Optical Spectrum Analyzer OSA Repair and Calibration Services.

Simbol is likely the only lab left that does full repair of this model including calibration through writing into the calibration memory. Give us a try! Don't rely on a lab handing back a report with 2 pages. You then know your OSA was not really proven working.

Download Ando AQ6315A SpecificationsDownload Ando AQ6315A Specifications

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AQ6315A Evaluation:Send us your unit for a full evaluation. Once completed, you will receive our diagnostic and recommendations. A calibration with some calibration table updates might be all needed or repair will be warranted. Assuming that the equipment is worth repairing, you will get a Repair Quote. We will wait for your acceptance or rejection before initiating any further action. PLEASE NOTE that we only perform support on the AQ6315A units which have two fans on the back

After repair, your OSA will be shipped back fully calibrated with all pertinent calibration data. Keep in mind that the AQ6315A is now a very scarce OSA capable of reading in the visible range which is in high demand thus worth repairing.

The AQ6315A premium calibration will be performed to assure that the OSA meets or exceeds manufacturers published specifications. The equipment will be shipped with calibration sticker, calibration certificate and calibration data including previous and after calibration data (7 pages of data).

List of calibration item:

  • Optical Alignment
  • Wavelength Calibration with Internal Cell
  • Wavelength Accuracy calibration
  • Wavelength Resolution Accuracy
  • Wavelength Reproducibility
  • Dynamic Range
  • Level Accuracy
  • Level Flatness
  • Level Reponse
  • Waveform Symmetry, Flatness and Ripple
  • Stability


Instrumentation used during this calibration is traceable to N.I.S.T (National Institute of Standards and Technology) or C.N.R.C. (Canadian National Research Council).

AQ6315A repair or adjustment

Simbol is the only North America independent lab with the capability of mechanically realigning Ando/Yokogawa monochromators. If your unit does not pass calibration, we will quote a complete repair and get your OSA back to working condition.

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